Light Alloy for Windows

Light Alloy for Windows

A straightforward consumer software and complimentary audio person is Light Alloy. Light Alloy has been optimized to shoe as quickly as possible, which means it won’t use a lot of product resources. The application can be fully customized to meet your particular marketing needs.

Light Alloy supports all widely used video formats, and it has a ton of sophisticated settings that let you adjust it for any media you plan to play on it, including epic movies and brief songs videos.

Important characteristics include:

  1. Quick video rewind, subtitle loading, tray minimization, brightness / contrast / saturation control, and infra-red remote control.
  1. Additionally, Light Alloy supports Mkv, Ogm, and Mp4 formats in addition to multimedia keyboards and Dvd / Blu-ray( except for Bd menus ).
  1. You may select radio tracks and translations for multilingual movies using Light Alloy, as well as tabs in lists and timelines.


Light Alloy includes built-in video / audio codecs, support for specialized codes, complete subtitle support, remote control support through Winlirc, configurable playback speed, and aspect ratio alignment. Each file’s’s independent marketing settings, such as brightness, line, saturation, subtitles, and loudness, can also be customized.



Windows version of Light Alloy 4.1.1
  1. Si version of windows 98,
  2. Windows 98,
  3. Me for Panels,
  4. Windows Xp,
  5. 2000 Skylights
Language that are spoken:
  1. English,
  2. German,
  3. French,
  4. Russian
a test edition
most recent release:
June 14th, 2023, a Monday
Team Swirl