BIRT Report Designer for Windows

BIRT Report Designer for Windows

Data representations and reviews can be integrated into sophisticated client and web applications using the open source technology app Birt. Birt Report Designer users can quickly and easily access data from various details resources to produce reports and products with spectacular information visualizations.

Developers don’t need to create their own network because the developers who created Birt, Actuate, offer a free paper client called ihub F-type for deploying content. This complimentary enterprise-grade client can now be used by developers using open source Birt to create, manage, and properly provide web applications and reports related to the technology.

Developers may create unique data drivers to access data from any supplier, including Big Data sources like Apache Hadoop, Cassandra, Mongodb, all conventional relational databases, Flat Files, Xml details streams, and data stored in proprietary systems, using the open data access framework’s’s flexibility.

Birt includes Apis for content exposure, chart century, performance formats, posts execution, and integration within more extensive applications because the system was designed for embedding.




Windows version of the Birt Report Designer 4.4.0
  1. Windows 98,
  2. Windows 8, etc.
  3. Xp of Skylights
  4. Windows 7.
  5. Vista, Windows
  6. Using Windows 2003
  7. Windows 2000,
  8. Panels 10,
Cultures that are available:
  1. English,
  2. German,
  3. Spanish,
  4. French,
  5. Italian,
  6. Japanese,
  7. Polish,
  8. Chinese
most recent up-date:
22 October 2023, a Thursday